高雄法國台北婚紗 | 婚紗攝影新人評鑑
門市:雨暄 攝影:阿夆 燈光師:Taxi 造型師:孟玉(Megan)
appreciation post
Kaohsiung France and Taipei are good as what i thought.
after the entire shoot, i thought back
over it,from how eva雨暄 (she is affable) give me ideas on how will i choose my clothes,from the day of choosing the clothes with the help of peipei 沛沛she was really a helping hand,And on the shooting day, my make-up artist megan孟立 try her best made me stunning and my fiance to be more looking good. to Taxi (攝助)for helping my fiance to choose the clothes fits for 攸正 that match with mine,she was great in the outdoor shoot.and most especially our photographer wind 阿夆,You’ve captured the essence of happiness perfectly.Thank you for making our pre-wedding shoot so much fun. We felt so much happiness in 9 hours of shooting day,thank you so much for capturing the essence of us as a couple into our pre-wedding pictures.
and finally choosing 30 photos from more than 200 photos,Rebecca 嘉妤was also happy while patiently waiting 4 hours for us to choose and till we end up choosing 40 photos.(really having a hard time to choose because all the captured photos was really great😊 對於愛拍照的我們…真很難上加難,難過的是要刪掉很多喜歡的照片)
and the other staff is very welcoming
We will always keep this once in a lifetime experience in our hearts.
▲ 高雄法國台北/攸正❤Farissa